Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science of architecture and design

March 12, 2024- Admin

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Puja

Vastu puja, when done at home, blesses with good health, peace, and prosperity.

Vastu Shastra is an ancientIndian science of architecture and design that outlines principles for theconstruction of buildings in harmony with nature, cosmic energy, and theelements. According to Vastu Shastra, the layout, orientation, and arrangementof a building can influence the well-being and fortunes of its occupants.

When we construct a building many doshas are left in the houseaccording to the ancient science of architecture called Vastu Shastra if thebuilding is not constructed according to the laws and rules of Vastu Shastra.Vastu Shastra take in consideration many aspects of eight directions and fiveelements while constructing a building to nullify all kinds of negativitiesfrom that building, be it a house, a factory, a shop or an office. Every partof the building is assigned a position according to the suitable corner of thebuilding as prescribed by the Vastu shastra.

Five elements constitute any building. These five elements arethe Earth, the Water, the Fire, The Air and Space. If all these five elementsare in the right balance in the building, the building is considered to beauspicious and a suitable dwelling place or working space. If these elementsare not balanced properly in the building, the consequences are faced accordingto the high or low aspect of that element. This imbalance id faced in the formsof diseases, accidents, fires, leakages, or financial losses, loss of mentaland emotional stability and peace, and prosperity, to name a few.

To overcome all these negative effects due to the Vastu Doshas,some times small alterations are done in the building. But sometimes, thesealterations can demand a big amount and it becomes impossible to spend this abig amount. It becomes difficult to face consequences and impossible to spentthe money on the building. At such times, the only resort to which a person cango to is the Vedic puja, namely, Vastu Dosh Nivaran Puja. Vastu Purush or VastuDevta is worshipped to alleviate all the ill effects and negativity from thatbuilding. Some people perform Vastu Dosh Nivaran Puja before entering intotheir new building, to nullify the negative effects in the beginning only, butsome people resort to this puja only when they have to face the consequences ofthe Vastu Dosha..

Dispelling negative effects: Limited scientific evidence supportsthe direct correlation between puja and eliminating negative energy solelybased on Vastu principles .